June, 2014

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God is Faithful

God is faithful! His faithfulness is one of the many, amazing attributes we sing about and lift up as praise every Sunday morning. We talk about His faithfulness with friends, family, and sometimes complete strangers. But what does it mean exactly that God is faithful? What does His faithfulness look like? What or who exactly is God faithful to? And what about our faithfulness to God? In times of uncertainty, grief, hardship or even great blessing we sometimes struggle to live out our faith. Yet Paul writes in 2 Timothy 2:13, "...if we are faithless, he (God) remains faithful, for he cannot disown himself." Join us as we explore the good news that God is faithful, and try to uncover a deeper understanding of what that faithfulness means for us and how it can help us live more faithfully with God.

Weekly Discussion Guides are coming soon.

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