Night of Prayer
Sunday, February 23, 2025 @ 5:30 PM
Grundy County Campus
All are invited to join our church in a Night of Prayer from 5:30-8:00pm at the Grundy Campus. The day will start with an option to fast, then have group & individual time for quiet prayer. We will finish the night with a Soup Supper.
Here is what you can expect:
- During the day you are invited to consider a spiritual fast. The goal is to give up food for the day (or at least a meal) so that your hunger might prompt you to turn to God in prayer.
- We will gather at 5:30pm and start by reading scripture together, talk about prayer & how to listen for God's voice.
- Everyone will be given approx. 1 hour to sit alone to pray, read scripture, journal, have quiet time with God.
- We will gather again for Worship Songs & Group prayer for our Community and World.
- The night will end with a simple meal of soups, bread, and dessert. Free will donation.
- You will not be asked to pray out loud or in front of others.
- Bring your Bible, a notebook and a pen.
- Be open to spending time praying & listening for God.
If you would like to participate in helping with the meal, contact Jenn Venenga.